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Tickets Now on Sale - Southern Ohio Psychic and Holistic Fair Special Priced

From: Valerie H.
Sent on: Saturday, July 25, 2015, 2:01 PM



I am sponsoring OUR new "Southern Ohio Psychic and Holistic Fair" to be held on October 31 through November 1, 2015. We are having this Event at the new Hilton Garden Inn located at Austin Landing, Miamisburg, Ohio.

Parking is FREE and KIDS get in FREE!!

Featured will be over 40 of the area's top Psychics, Mediums and Metaphysical Exhibitors. Also attending as an Exhibitor is "The Crystal Guy". You will recognize Gene and Barbara from all the top Fairs in the Midwest and beyond. They have thousands of crystals, stones and other of nature's most beautiful art and treasures.

There are Seminars, Workshops and Speakers in two beautiful Rooms! I myself will be putting on a Hypnosis Stage Show on Saturday! It should be fun for all.

Also invited and will attend both days is RON ESPOSITO who has a number of Tibetan Singing Bowl CD's and is recognized worldwide for his sweet and tantalizing music.

We also have some other surprises as to performers and Speakers at this Fair.

To promote this event we are special pricing the tickets at $12.00 per person. On the Event dates these tickets will be priced higher. Buy two tickets and the price is $9.99 per ticket. Buy three and well......check out the website for more details! Tickets are good for BOTH DAYS! There will be DOOR PRIZES and for the first 500 attendees they will receive a bad of goodies including coupons for local Austin Landing Shops and eateries. These coupons will far exceed ticket prices. Oh, by the way they go to PRE-SALE Ticket holders first!!


Here is the LINK:


PayPal is the ticket provider and all transactions are secure. We do not collect any Credit or Debit Card information.

You will also find us on the Websites of Austin landing, and in September and October on a number on Radio and Television spots!!

Help make this a great Event and it will be coming back in May, 2016!!




Valerie and Bill


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