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Re: [Dublin-Film-Makers] meeting tomorrow wednesday at 7pm

From: Steffi
Sent on: Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 11:25 AM
I don't know if I can made it to the meeting today, but I think it would be good if the people who need help with their short movies, write an email to our film makers mail... Just what kind of help or what kind of actors. 
When is the meeting? At 7 pm? 
So maybe till later. 

Stefanie Schüler, Dublin

On 10 Jan 2012, at 20:10, liam <[address removed]> wrote:

Sorry for the delay in posting details of meeting to be held tomorrow wednesday 11th January 2012...

at Mc Grattans, off Lower Baggot Street.... ...two film shoots starting shortly ....actors and helpers needed...

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