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pre-meetup nosh, Biryani House, 6/15 @ 5 pm

From: Rich M.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 2:59 PM
Sorry for the last-minute announcement!  Anyway, Jon Seidel and I
will be there; any other Rubyists are welcome to join us...


===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====

If you like Indian food, consider joining some Rubyists for an
informal gathering before the EBRuby meetup:


Here are the details:

  6/15 @ 5 pm (or later :-)

  Biryani House
  2011 Shattuck Ave. (at University, NE corner)
  Berkeley, CA 94704

Biryani House is economical and has a fairly wide selection of
Indian food.  We generally order and pay for our food separately,
then pull together some tables for chatting and munching.

It's not critical to arrive at any particular time, but I'll try
to be there by 5.  If you just want to sit with us and sip some
chai, there shouldn't be any problem.
https://www.cfcl.c...­            Rich Morin
https://www.cfcl.c...­     [address removed]
https://www.cfcl.c...­     [masked]

Technical editing and writing, programming, system design

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