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Flag Football: MEETING time...IMPORTANT...:)

From: Noonie
Sent on: Thursday, June 7, 2012, 10:08 PM

Hi guys!

I will still go on SAturday...I thought to cancel, because I don't do so well with heat...But, Ill go...With metro delays and everything, it seems that at some ESL meetups, we wait 1/2 an hour for everyone to arrive!

Since Joe said he'd pick up members at 12:15, how about we set the ESL meeting time for metro riders to 11:45?! That way, we'll wait no longer than 12:15.  If Joe sees that he has too many to take and can't fit us all (he posted this to other groups as well!), then we can take the bus that Maggie suggested to me. Maggie would guide us. :)

So, our ESL meetup time for this event is at the King Street Metro (right outside he place you exit with your farecard, INSIDE the metro), from 11:45, and we'll wait till 12:15. See you there, on SAturday!


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