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Discussion volunteers for January book meeting, plus free goodies for a previous book

From: Anthony
Sent on: Monday, January 9, 2012, 8:49 PM

Hi, everyone. :-)

I have two messages for everyone:

1. The January 2012 Contemporary Book Discussion on William Gibson's Pattern Recognition will take place next Wednesday, January 18. Is there anyone who is interested in either (a) presenting the author's biography and facts of interest about the book, or (b) lead the discussion with questions?

2. One of the books we read last year was Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. I got an e-mail today from someone who is promoting the film based on the novel, which will hit theaters on January 20, 2012. She asked me if I'd be willing to receive free copies of the novel plus advanced screening passes and posters for the movie. Would anyone be interested in any of these three items? (I do not know how many of each I can get, so I asked about it, and I'm awaiting a response.)

Thank you. :-)

Anthony Lee
Organizer, East Bay Book Club

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