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Book Discussion Meeting Recaps

From: Anthony
Sent on: Thursday, February 16, 2012, 9:36 PM

Hi, everyone. :-)

This is just an opportunity for me to announce something to everyone that I originally announced just in person to those who attended the last two book meetings.

Starting this year, I am doing something new to enhance your enjoyment of our book discussions. Within a few days after every book discussion meeting, I will post in the message board of the East Bay Book Club site a recap of the meeting in my own words. Basically, a short essay of the most notable discussion points I could remember as well as my own observations and thoughts of the meeting. This serves two purposes: continue the book discussion for those who attended the meeting and provide an overview of what occurred at the meeting for anyone who didn't attend the meeting but are interested in knowing what went down.

So far, I have written two meeting recaps, including one for the most recent meeting on Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. You may find them at the following links:

January 2012 Contemporary Book Discussion (Pattern Recognition by William Gibson)

February 2012 Contemporary Book Discussion (Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov)

I hope this new feature offers something fun for everyone. With that, feel free to leave your comments in the message board.

Thank you. :-)

Anthony Lee
Organizer, East Bay Book Club

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