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Augmenting Our Social Reality: Brainstorm Meeting


How do we teach vital topics like race, gender, religion with cutting-edge technology? Join our initial conversation to bring this experience to the Pittsburgh community!


At the last EdCampPGH, I realized two things:

  1. All of us, as educators, need to put social issues at the forefront of our curriculum design. These issues dominate the cultural milieu yet are still so very difficult to broach

  2. There's a technology currently available that can help us provide multiple viewpoints and tell an engaged, complete story: augmented reality.

I'd like to start an initiative to launch three exhibits throughout Pittsburgh that take on a pluralized approach to the following ambitious, controversial topics.

• Race (to include ethnicity, nationality)

• Gender (to include sex, sexuality)

• Religion (to include sects, atheism, science)

I'm looking for a small, able, passionate group of educators and technologists (i.e., this group) to help me curate an ambitious, potentially controversial project. At this meeting, we will discuss the following:

• What is augmented reality, and how can we use it effectively?

• Whose stories should we tell? How do we facilitate access to these stories?

• How should we design these events, and for what communities in particular

• Where should these exhibits be held, and for what reasons?

• How can you get involved? What kinds of roles will this undertaking require?

Light food and drink will be served. For now, attendance will be restricted to 20, so if you are truly interested in organizing this event (not just attending it), please RSVP and we may pull you off the wait list.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Thank you,

Lee Ngo
Community Architect
Startup Weekend Pittsburgh

Photo of EdTech PGH group
EdTech PGH
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