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[masked] Celebration!!

From: Rheana J.
Sent on: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 11:52 AM
Hi Everyone,

This Sunday, 10/10/10, we will be having a gathering which will include meditation, some healing/energy work/Deeksha blessings, Shamanism and drumming (and anything else that shows up) to bring in the new energy for this momentous occasion of new energy for the earth. We hope you can join us!!!!!

This is an important time of raising of the earth's vibration (along with humanity) and one that heralds star portals opening. Not since Lemurian times have we been able to stand in and hold this type of energy. The energy field represents the "now" energies and will start to fill the space that we've created from all the clearing we have been doing recently. No longer do we sit and wonder about what the past or future holds but rather are fully able to feel spirit in a whole new way and sit in the present, enjoying life's abundance.

We will be celebrating and experiencing these new energies with each other as the 10:10:10 star portals open. Come prepared for transformation!

MEET: Washington Park Pavillion. South Franklin St across from St. Johns. Church. We will go from there to our space in the park.

TIME: 1:00 (until ??)


Chair or blanket or mat
Items for altar (there will be a small table)
Drum or rattle
anything else you may need to be comfortable outside

The weather is supposed to be clear this weekend.

If anything comes up or you have questions please call Ridge [masked]) or Jen [masked]).

Also please let us know if you're coming by Saturday so we can find a space to accomodate everyone.


Your Stargate flight crew

Ridge Keough, Galactic Fantastic Healing
Jen Tomas, Silver Owl Healing Arts
with special guests, including James Galusha, Holographic Love Ministries

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