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New Events

From: Jan
Sent on: Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 8:22 PM
Dear all,

please note that I planed a new event for our next official "Afterwork Drinks & Networking" Meetup. I did not send any emails on this since its creation, but it?s allready well booked!
You should not hesitate to RSVP if you want to join:

Moreover, on short notice, I?d like to invite the ones who allready know me to join for a small birhtday party this Friday, 31th:
Space is limited (it was hard to get a resevation without a guarantee for minimum consumption), so please RSVP ASAP if you want to join.

Thanks & See you

Membership dues

€50.00 per ani

This covers: see the balance sheet open to all members. and you pay once for all our groups

Payment is accepted using:

  • PayPal
  • Cash or check - “our Postfinance account is ; Zurich Expats Zunft Verein ; Alststetterstrasse 311 8047 Zürich ; account number 60-659853-2 CHF 50 a year. Or pay cash @ door

Your organizer will refund you if:

  • If you think that the cost should not be properly been disclosed to you and also not the payments. Your payment will be returned to you in mediatly if you get refund due to Brasilian payment please sent Euro 50

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