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What we’re about

Enjoy Karaoke Together is a group for people who love to sing karaoke in different languages & meet new people at the same time. Japanese and non-Japanese speakers are both are welcome to sing ANY songs, in ANY languages, in ANY genres as long as you can find the songs in the karaoke machine. Of course you can bring your own karaoke DVD if you want. Basically we communicate in English and Japanese. Any language levels are fine; we'll help each other. Before singing, we will have time to introduce each other. We will chat and get to know each other between the songs! <br>

***I'd like to mention that our meetup is held in JAPANESE style; we sit in a cozy room and sing WITHOUT standing in front of people. So don't hesitate to come and sing! :) ***

We are a friendly and easy-going group. Let's enjoy the moments together!!! :D

★一緒にカラオケを楽しみませんか?何語でもOK!!もちろん日本語も! <br>

何語で、どんなジャンルの曲を歌ってもOKです。もちろん日本語も。自分でカラオケDVDのディスクを持ち込みになっても結構です(カラオケルームにDVDプレーヤーあり)。コミュニケーションは、主に英語と日本語で行います。語学レベルは問いません。初めての人も、常連さんも、楽しく一緒に歌ってしゃべりませんか?最初に自己紹介タイムがあります。カラオケは日本式スタイルでなるべく少人数、各自座って歌いますので、シャイな方も安心してお越しください。 <br>
