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Re: [ErlangChicago] Call for presentation - last week of May

From: Tristan S.
Sent on: Thursday, May 14, 2015, 8:46 PM
Actually, damn, looks like I'd only be able to do a day next week. Got my days screwed up.
Tristan Sloughter
[address removed]
On Wed, May 13, 2015, at 02:31 PM, Tristan Sloughter wrote:
Is this still a go? I was thinking about taking some time off and coming up to Chicago. If the meeting is happening I'll plan around that. And if no one has a talk to give I could always talk about rebar3.
Tristan Sloughter
[address removed]
On Wed, May 6, 2015, at 09:25 AM, Garrett Smith wrote:

We're putting together our meetup for May and we'd like to hear from you!

If you're working on something interesting in Erlang, or have some Erlang material you'd like to share, let us know by either replying to this email or by sending me a note ([address removed]).

We're working on getting space, at which point I'll send out the meeting announcement with all the details. But at the moment it will be either May 27 or 28.

Viva la Erlang!

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