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Re: [Ethics-Philosophy-Group-of-East-Portlan­d] NO Ethical Philosophy Meeting Tomorrow ...but GET THIS.....

From: Gayle M.
Sent on: Sunday, May 25, 2014, 10:13 AM
Getting kicked out of a restaurant?! Guess I missed a good meeting!! Maybe sometime there can be a follow up: "Porn II ....the Come Back!"

On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 6:08 AM, Brenden Hoyt <[address removed]> wrote:

Tom recently pulled the exact same vague act with a Meetup group called, 'Think.'  But then he relented a short time later.  Actually, he first made an employee tell the group organizer but then "changed" his mind when they spoke directly.  I have no idea what this guy's game and goal are, but he clearly thinks fucking with groups of paying customers is the way to get it.  Side-note: Think ended up going on hiatus shortly after His Highness graced the group a reprieve.

On May 24,[masked]:10 PM, "Richard Mohley" <[address removed]> wrote:



Richard: Why?

Toms: There are too many of you.

Richard: What?  Don't you want more customers?

Tom's No, we we don't have the staff.

Richard: What? Do you not want our money?

Tom's:  We don't have the staff?

Richard: What if instead of 12 of use, there were only 6?

Tom's: No.

Richard: What if we put all our orders on one bill?

Tom: No, we don't have the staff.

Richard:  But there were 40 people eating there last Sunday morning before, during and after we got there.  Twelve more could not possibly make any difference, there were plenty of empty seats.

Tom's: No, "it doesn't work of us."

Richard: When 6 couples come in for breakfast, do you turn them away?

Tom's: No.

Richard: So if the 12 of us came in as 6 couples, would you serve us?

Tom's: No, it doesn't work of us.

Richard:  Why not?

Tom's:  "It doesn't work of us."

So what do you think?  Is it the black guy or the gay guy or the Jew or the atheist or the crippled guy with a missing foot?  How about the woman or the retiree?  Is it because I Greg and I are veterans?

Which one of us are they refusing to serve?

This could get interesting.

Where should we start?  Picketing?  The Oregonian?  File suit!

We weren't scheduled to meet tomorrow anyway, but I thought that was all very humorous.



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