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Caffeine (caf·feine)   /kaˈfēn,ˈkafˌēn/

Stimulant; It can increase mental alertness.

Gasoline (gas·o·line)  /ˌɡasəˈlēn,ˈɡasəlēn/

Refined petroleum used as fuel for internal combustion engines.

Caffeine & Gasoline (caf·feine) &  (gas·o·line)   /kaˈfēn,ˈkafˌēn/ & /ˌɡasəˈlēn,ˈɡasəlēn/

1. A stimulant for car enthusiasts that fuels our interests in all genre of automobiles, motorcycles, motorsports, and other areas of transportation and technology in a cafe parking lot environment. 

a. These stimulants could be from the result of fossil fuels, corn (E85), race fuel (assorted), or Li-Ion batteries and etc. 

b. Other stimulants include, but not limited to forced induction, diesel technology, n/a motors, big block motors, motors with more cylinders than you can count with your two hands, electric motors

2. A group for car enthusiasts to get together for the love of motoring, showing off their ride, while enjoying some coffee. 
