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New Meetup: Elm Bank and Brook Path in Wellesley - Fast Paced Workout and Beautiful Walk

From: Adam
Sent on: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 2:01 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Evening Walkers!

What: Elm Bank and Brook Path in Wellesley - Fast Paced Workout and Beautiful Walk

When: Thursday, September 2,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Elm Bank
900 Washington Street
Wellesley, MA 02482

Elm Bank is a beautiful nature preserve that several members have recommended or expressed interest in. I have not had a Meetup here yet because it only takes 30 - 45 minutes to complete the walk. Thus, with a 7:17 sunset we will be having one Meetup with two different walks - both a very short drive from one another.

We will meet at parking lot C at 5:30. At 5:40 we begin the beautiful walk. Three sides of Elm Bank are surrounded by the Charles River. Thus most of the walk is along it?s scenic banks. There is amazing lush green forest on one side and the river with wet meadows on the other side of the walking trail.

After enjoying Elm Bank we will do the short drive and park at the western entrance to the Brook Path (at Dover Road). The path is paved or well conditioned dirt and is popular for both pedestrians and bicyclists. It follows Caroline and Fuller Brooks in a quiet area away from major streets. We will follow it for about a half hour and then take light side streets back. It will be an amazing late summer walk!

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