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New Meetup: Griggs Park, Summit Hill and the JFK House in Brookline

From: Adam
Sent on: Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 2:33 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Evening Walkers!

What: Griggs Park, Summit Hill and the JFK House in Brookline

When: Thursday, March 25,[masked]:45 PM

Panera Bread
299 Harvard St
Brookline, MA 02446

Brookline is a great town to go walking in. There are parks, pathways and hills to explore. On this walk we will get to see Griggs Park, Summit Hill and the JFK House. We will go through beautiful neighborhoods and enjoy great scenery. The trip should last about 1 ? - 2 hours and will be a lot of fun.

Learn more here:

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