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What we’re about

How many real estate meetings have you gone to where they talk about real estate investing? We are a group of investors, Realtors and other real estate professionals who are actively participating in real estate. One of the many things we do is rehab properties and then we sell the properties with several exit strategies including owner financing. We buy knowing, with a high degree of confidence, what the end result will be.  We don't just talk about real estate, we are ACTIVE in real estate.

Gary Brackhahn, the organizer and leader of this Meetup, has been a real estate Investor and Real Estate broker for over 35 years in the Dallas area. Gary has experience in all phases of the real estate business and has been using owner financing in his real estate business since 1985, which is one of the key exit strategies that is analyzed when a project is being considered. As you may know, Dodd–Frank has changed the real estate business again as we know it, and we know how to handle the changes that Dodd-Frank has put in place allowing us to continue our successful real estate investing experience.

Our Meetup series of events is for serious real estate investors and for those that truly work and strive to become skilled at a profitable business. The following is a list of our core Meetup sessions that are offered from time to time. Each one of these sessions is three hours in duration and are introductions to deeper programs that we have available for a more detailed learning and hands on experience.

Hands on learning - Knowing where and how to find projects to consider. Have the tools and understanding to analyze any project to determine its risk, reward and potential making sure we have more than one exit strategy before we start. We have to know we can close the deal and fund it.

Home Buyer Program for buyers that for one reason or another cannot qualify under the very strict guidelines that are required today.  Investors also know how to buy without the limitations and restrictions from the lending industry.

Landlords that own rental property that would like to know how to increase their net cash flow by 20 to 30% per month.

Realtors and other Real Estate professionals – that have listings that are not selling in the market. Many times the reason the property will not sell is that there are repairs and updating that need to be done to the property to get it sold and appraised. We offer solutions that help the professional to get their property sold.

IRA Strategies – safely invest in real estate, either from an active, hands-on point of view or to choose passive investing and know what to look for in making an informed decision.

Other Meetups with special subject matter are also scheduled from time to time that include such things as the skills of closing a deal once you have one. Attitude about the business of real estate is essential to success. We master the tools of our trade so that we can make better decisions.

We put together real estate deals and get them done. We make money safely and you can participate to. We are here to help investors and real estate professionals get into safe deals, solve problems and help others move forward. We ask that if you just want to network or advertise your own services, that you not join us at our meetings. But, we would love to have all those that are interested in participating, one way or the other, in real estate deals and not just talking about doing something. We look forward to seeing in the future.

If you RSVP and your plans change for any reason, please be courteous and change your RSVP or give us a call at 972-248-0977 so we know you're not coming.  Thank you.