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Multi Dimensional Healing - Center City, PA

Photo of Bette Hanson
Hosted By
Bette H.


You’re invited to explore a vibrational Universe where every human being is like a seed of spiritual potential to transform and blossom with Multi Dimensional Healing as your guide. Enjoy an evolutionary, energetic experience that helps us expand reality and explore truth in the sacred space of a group. This is not like other energy healings, you WILL leave changed.

Bring your intention and let go of expectation as Multi Dimensional Healing is a uniquely experiential event, designed to energetically clear the lower vibration of blocks and conditioning that prevent us opening up to our highest potential. The evolutionary energy of VortexHealing® and Divine Earth Energy facilitates Source guided intelligence of the Merlin lineage of Magical transformation and the Cosmic Tree of Life. Every time we break through the illusion of conditioned programming, we can shift our reality, raise consciousness, open our awareness, expand our possibilities and activate and embody our multi-dimensional self.

Dimensions are not places or locations, but levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. The higher we vibrate, the more dimensions we consciously experience. Every time we break through the illusion of conditioned programming, we shift our reality, raise consciousness, open our awareness, expand our possibilities and activate expansion into our multi-dimensional potential. Every time you participate it is different. It is a sacred space of healing which may benefit you in many ways: a profound healing tool, a Divine mirror, an amplifier for what is needed to enhance the journey, an interdimensional portal, a deeply grounding anchor to Gaia, an expansive meditation, a light body activation or an energizing integration. It can be heart-opening, scary, thrilling, deeply loving, awakening, activating, restful or purging -- depending on how we set our intention and what we need in the moment

TRANSFORMATIONAL ENERGY: What sets Multi Dimensional Healing apart is the depth it bridges Divine consciousness into your energetic system to support and assist clearing and the awakening process. You'll experience the magical transformation of VortexHealing® of the Merlin lineage, channeling the Grace of Divine consciousness to release conditioning on multiple planes of reality. And the equally cosmic yet grounding potency of Divine Earth Energy -- the Tree of Life energy is a symbiotic, interdimensional connection and conduit uniting as above, so below forces. Divine guides join in the process as called upon. Each and every time we participate, it integrates and works more deeply and differently to create the exact shift and transformation needed.

WHAT TO EXPECT: Each healing follows a proven, holistic formula of grounding, relaxing, energizing, releasing, re-patterning, awakening and integrating. Some may fall asleep, slip into a deep meditative trance or experience a number of symptoms like chills, itchiness, heat, yawning, discomfort, heightened emotions etc., as negative blocks, karma knots, stored emotions, trauma and repressed feelings are released. This may create an energetic detox with transmutational symptoms that are temporary. Remember, detoxing and healing do not come without side effects. As we progress, we find the discomfort eases and we awaken into new levels of truth, freedom, awareness and being.

EARTHWORK: The purpose of every Multi Dimensional Healing IS to serve humanity through helping raise the collective consciousness of the Earth as a living being called Gaia. Earthwork is a vital component to support the planet's collective shift away from disharmony and discord into balance, cooperation and peace - one person, one space, one group at a time.

Space may be limited, please RSVP, however last minute walk-ins are always welcome. Expect to relax deeply, please bring water, a blanket, mat and pillow for your comfort. This group is not a religion, spiritual practice, dogma or self-help course and requires no effort, background or belief. It is safe and compatible with any and all other modalities. All ages and all conditions of health are welcome.

Note: From the moment you decide to come to this event, the Divine can start preparing you. Strong emotions or synchronistic situations may arise or you may even meet with resistance in attending. Bless it all as a gift and message.

BIOGRAPHY: Bette Hanson is a seasoned holistic practitioner trained and experienced in VortexHealing® and other evolutionary energies. As an empath, intuitive healer, channel and higher consciousness mentor, she is devoted to serving people, pets and the planet with personal sessions, group healings, workshops, relationship clearing and Earthwork: home/space/land clearing. Merging with the I Am Tree (Tree of Life), she's naturally gifted with Divine Earth Energy facilitating inter-dimensional connectedness between the planet and cosmos. Certified at the highest levels of VortexHealing®, of the Merlin lineage of magical transformation, she’s accumulated over 1200 hours of training since 2006. Certified practitioners complete an intensive series of spiritually expansive training based in awakening and self development. This evolutionary process offers an artist's palette of multi dimensional tools designed to systematically, consciously, and holistically transform issues at all levels where separation exists, returning us back to Wholeness. Bette’s private practice is based out of Philadelphia, PA and she facilitates events, throughout the East Coast and the country. Remote and distance sessions are also available. For details visit, or email:

*VortexHealing® is a registered trademark of Ric Weinman. All rights reserved.


"It was the best ever. I look forward to returning. I've had lots of experiences with spiritual teachers, yogic masters and so on but nothing can compare to this work IMHO.”~Pankaj Sharma, Downingtown, PA

“My heart bursts with gratitude that I've found Bette. The healing she facilitated a few weeks ago transformed me on a cellular level and likely even deeper. In the days following, I experienced a depth in healing that went beyond this lifetime. I've never felt more open, joyful, or trusting, and excited to be part of this phenomenon.” ~Allison Brunner, LSW, Psychotherapist, Philadelphia, PA

"Bette is a master of these group healings and if you are lucky to have the opportunity to join her more than once – I find each time you come, it works more deeply than before and the benefits get more pronounced." ~Rev. Rebecca Thompson, San Jose, CA

"I wanted to thank you again. Wow. It was one of the most powerful meditations in which I’ve ever participated, and I’ve meditated a lot, so that’s saying something! I had the most amazing vision at the end." -- Erin, Collingswood, NJ "A most powerful meditative session that made 2 hours feel like only minutes. If I tried to share my experience, one might think I'm being over-dramatic but trust me when I say I was right where I needed to be that evening and hearing what I needed to hear. I look forward to more!" --Doris L, New York, NY

"Multi-Dimensional Healing consistently receives rave reviews not only for the transformative effects that can be experienced during the process itself but also the feeling that lingers in the days following. Bette helps us to understand we are more than what we can experience here in this three dimensional reality." -- Ileana Ramos, Being One Center, Warminster, PA

"I attended one of her group healing sessions and it was one the most powerful experiences of that kind I have been blessed to be part of, and created lasting change. I can strongly recommend her process and the loving and supportive way she guides the multi-level healing and activation. Bette works with and for the earth as well as the universe, and I believe this foundational approach is crucial to all aspects of the spiritual path. She is a gem and a gift to the world!" -- David Nelson, EarthMentor, St. Paul, MN

Photo of Field of Awakening group
Field of Awakening
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Philadelphia School of Massage & Bodywork
1500 Chestnut Street · Philadelphia, PA