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Lessons 4 Fun Studio

From: Ginger B
Sent on: Monday, August 29, 2011, 3:29 PM
Hi everyone- we survived the earthquake, we survived the hurricane, now it's time to have some FUN!!!
If you are looking to meet new people, to do something new and creative, to improve your communication and presentation skills, and have a ton of  fun, then...
check out upcoming classes at the Lessons 4 Fun Studio at
There are three new workshops starting September 2011:
Acting in the Meisner Technique (for Non-Actors and Beginners)
Meets on Tuesdays 7:00-9:30pm, starting Sept. 13
This is a super fun and interactive acting class for non-actors.  Improvisation exercises, technique, warm-ups to improve energy level, focus, and confidence. 
All classes are taught by expert teachers in a friendly and supportive classroom environment.
-Singing for Non-Singers
Meets on Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm, starting Sept. 7
A beginner friendly singing class taught in a friendly class environment- express yourself.  "If you can speak, you can sing!"- a quote from the course instructor
Class size is small (10-14 students), and highly interactive.  Cost is $325 per 6-week session.
-Neutral American Speech & Voice
Meets on Mondays 7:00-9:00pm, starting Sept. 12th
A small and supportive environment for regional and foreign accent reduction/elimination and general speech and voice improvement.  Improve your voice and speech, improve your confidence.  Meet interesting people.
If you find any of these workshops interesting, you can review complete class details and register at