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What we’re about

This group is created specifically for Creative Writers, who know they have something beautiful, meaningful, or helpful to say, know (or may not know yet) that they are incredibly talented, can make the time for writing, yet somehow, something else seems to always get in the way.
We all know how self-defeating procrastination can be, waiting for a better time ("when I have more hours, when I am less rushed, etc.") until the opportunity is lost, but also that procrastination is merely a habit. Just a habit, yes, yet terrible habit which can take us from a place of creating a life we know we deserve, with all the personal satisfaction it may bring, to a place of "could have, might have, would have...," a place most of us would do anything to avoid.
Over the course of my adult life, I have noticed patterns about myself, and found solutions to most of my problems. Activities which only yesterday seemed impossible (and had felt like that for years), like daily workouts, weight loss, or starting a Meetup Group of this kind, somehow started to materialize with impressive consistency, seemingly overnight.
Yet it was not an overnight miracle, but a direct consequence to several activities I had started a few months before, and it can be traced to one particular event. It simply was the decision to commit to a time slot on a weekday morning, to meet a friend- at any cost- either to go surfing, if time pressed go biking, or the worst case scenario, walking for an hour or so. It was not easy, but we persevered, and more similar commitments followed on my side: a class here, a program there, and so on.
What I found was that, left by myself, I tend to wander, lose sight of my goal, or feel intimidated by its perceived magnitude. But I happen to have a very strong sense of ethics, so I figured out, that by simply committing to meet just one other person, is enough to push me over the threshold- after all, I would not stand someone up, someone who’s put time aside to meet with me.
So I'm starting this Meetup Group, our own personal Writer's Club, with the sole purpose of getting together at various times, to individually work on our own Writing Projects. Once we get together we'll decide what else might be helpful- but for now, that's what we'll do: Commit to a time and a place, get coffee or whatever your hearts desire, and write. This is not a class, but merely a facilitation to bring each of us closer to doing what we know we need to do, yet somehow don’t manage enough. This is meant to help each and every one of us inch ahead with our projects, but most importantly, make it fun, and eventually something we’ll look forward to.

We're waiting for you!