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What we’re about

In this Real Estate investment group, you will find that experienced investors and investors looking to grow & Passive Investors looking to lend will benefit.

Our team offers to all members complete Self Directed 401K & IRA investing services help, passive or hands-on investing, partnership opportunities, money to do the right deal, contractors, and vendors that have proven themselves time after time, and all the training you need to succeed on your own, or as a team.

We find that many people who want to invest in real estate find it difficult to know where to start or how to start due to a lack of knowledge, time, or money. Experienced investors want to take advantage of the market but need other strategies to win in the pre-foreclosure market.

Come and find out how we are making money in today's Real Estate market through creative owner financing, subject to purchases, wholesaling, and how to do wraps. We show you that it IS possible to buy houses without using your own money or credit! You will also meet other investors who are buying and selling real estate every day and making phenomenal money doing just that!

Real Estate Investing is where it's at... Investing in yourself pays dividends for years...

If you have a JOB (just over broke) and want to learn how to break the cycle, this is worth your time.

This is a free event, but registration and confirmation are required.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by checking us out

Knowledge is Power & The right Team gets the job done...!!