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What we’re about

Group of friendly, fun, connected individuals expanding their network while engaging & building others. Come meet for coffee and learn something new through conversation. Previous accidental thought bombs dealt with technology, CRM, resume maximization, event planning, library hunting, and just any random thought. It's pretty fun, so you should stop by.

Hi all - Remy here. For those that don't know I'm moving to Austin at the end of June 2019. I'm going to keep the group open as I still want to encourage people to go out to the local shops and meet new people in the area. If you see me as the only RSVP person, just post a comment as many people attend that don't RSVP but will see the comment and respond (or remember to RSVP too!). 

Also, small pro tip. Even if you're the only one RSVP'd just bring your laptop and get some work done. It was what I did at first and it worked wonders :)

Paul & Steve are the most consistent for both Tuesday/Friday.

Jackie & Alan attend most Tuesdays depending on their schedule.