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From: Kyler B.
Sent on: Thursday, May 28, 2015, 12:06 PM

Hi, everyone! I wanted to remind everyone about a really cool event that Code for Miami is putting on. Let's create some cool stuff together!

Code for Miami #HackforChange event is on Saturday, June 6th:
The event is set to coincide with National Day of Civic Hacking, a nationwide event aimed towards improving our communities and our governments.

We'll have data and hackathon challenges focusing on four core areas: Transportation, Disaster Preparation and Relief, Climate Change, and the Florida State Budget:

  • National challenges including new data on climate change and the environment, local civil services, and much more.
  • Our first-ever state challenge with civic hackers in cities throughout Florida to create visualizations and apps using Vendor Payment Data from CFO Jeff Atwater's office.
  • Local challenges using county 311 and GIS open data, prioritizing data sets we would like to get opened in Miami, and drafting your ideas for an Open Data Policy.


We're expecting a group filled with writers, policy makers, developers, government folks, journalists and even Florida’s CFO Jeff Atwater. Coding isn’t required, you only need to want to make Miami better.

Learn more about the challenges at:

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