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Move from Panera Bread on Tuesdays

From: Dennis H
Sent on: Monday, October 1, 2012, 2:40 PM

Hi all,

Due to overcrowding issues at Panera on Tuesday evenings, several trial meetups have been held at the Corner Bakery Cafe on Niagara Falls Boulevard.  The response has been overwhelmingly positive so far.

The new venue is relatively close to the old one, has considerably more table space, and is open later, which opens up the opportunity to play some longer games.

My main concern with the change is that some of the casual members don't use the Meetup website often, and know that Panera will generally have some people to play with if they drop in on a Tuesday.

I've changed October's Tuesday meetups to the new venue.  When the month is up, I'd like to have a discussion and see if there's a consensus on whether to make the move permanent and whether we should discuss changing Saturdays, as well.

Anyone who ordinarily walks to Panera, please contant me and we'll work out a ride solution.  I don't want to see anyone squeezed out because of the location change.


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