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Details for Today's Meetup and Video: WordPress Page Layout Plugins - Tools - Alt methods

From: Brett B
Sent on: Friday, March 1, 2013, 11:54 AM


Hi Everyone,

Some of the topics suggested for this weeks meetup include how to deal with layout pages or more specifically different types of content on a blog, beyond just widgets in sidebars.

  1. Page Layout Plugins
  2. Move postings from my main/home page to a different parent page or
  3. Tier as one of my other tabs or
  4. Archive
  5. Desktop Software to manipulate content

We may or may not be able to cover everything today and if attendees show up with additional topics we'll try to cover those as well.

Topic Suggestions for Next time?

If you have additional ideas for future sessions, email me here within meetup or send me a message on twitter @brettbum.

How to Attend Today?

  • First RSVP on Meetup,
  • then I'll send you a google hangouts invite about 10 minutes before the scheduled time.

Can't make it today?

You can always catch our recorded video session on our YouTube Playlist for the Greater Charlotte Area WordPress meetups.

Meetup Details

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Friday, March 1,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

RSVP limit: 10 "Yes" RSVPs





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