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New Meetup: A Day in the Garden...volunteer work and potluck together

From: Seth S.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 12:23 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Greater Denver Urban Homesteading Group!

What: A Day in the Garden...volunteer work and potluck together

When: March 14,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: In an effort to build community and learn new skills while helping one and other I hope that this may become the first of many such events for our group.
I am taking the initiative by offering the first at my house and garden, and by also reaching out and asking for the help of other kindred spirits and like minded folk. I hope that others will feel free and ask to plan similar events in their yards.

I have found that in my sharing with Transition Colorado...that the combination of a potluck and other work or training events is a wonderful method for coming together and spending time.
Please look into that group at

For the work please bring your smile, gloves and a "D" handles spade and "D" handled fork if you have them
For the potluck, bring an item and your own cup and utensils too :)

For mor information call me

and then come by on Saturday to
824 lee str
Louisville. CO 80027

and remember, the fun is in the back yard
no one will answer the front door

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