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What we’re about

Welcome to our HSP UK Meetup :). You may be thinking of joining us because you feel you've always been a bit 'different'. Maybe things affect you more than they appear to affect others and you have a sensitive nervous system? Perhaps you'd like to meet up with some people who are like you, not different from you? Have a look at Dr Elaine Aron's website at HSPERSON.COM and see some of the traits that make up sensitivity. Highly Sensitive People tend to be careful of feeling too overwhelmed or overstimulated by the usual social chatter, noise and expectations of social interaction which is why we create the chance to meet others in a relaxed setting, it is for fun and info. Come along and stay for the whole time or leave early if you need to - we do understand. It's not a 'therapy group' but you may find it supportive being around others who are taking a positive approach to their sensitivity and meeting similar challenges to you. We hold quite a few Meetups in Hampshire and Cornwall, but also offer meetups from time to time in other parts of the UK and online. 
I look forward to meeting you and hope that you will enjoy meeting more people like yourself. We try to meet in locations that match our sensitive nature. We have now changed our membership requirement and removed the annual fee for membership and instead have increased the fee for each attendance at any event. Simply pay for what you attend. When you RSVP for events, you will be prompted to pay by Paypal to Alternatively you can pay by direct banking (email for details).
These meet-ups are sponsored and owned by Growing Unlimited Therapeutic Consultancy with the aim of supporting HSPs and to promote awareness of the trait. Thank you for joining us and I hope to meet you soon :) 
Kind regards  
Founder, Growing Unlimited Therapeutic Consultancy (2002)

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