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New Meetup: Another Toast to The Pike Place Market

From: James
Sent on: Monday, September 13, 2010, 11:31 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Happy Hour Group!

What: Another Toast to The Pike Place Market

When: Monday, September 27,[masked]:30 PM

Post Lounge & Restaurant
1914 Post Alley
Pike Place Market
Seattle, WA 98101

Ladies & Gents,

We had a blast last time, so I decided to have it again. Please join us for an after work party to relax youself before you go home. The venue is located in Seattle's historic Pike Place Market. Boasting salvaged wood banquets, richly colored accents, romantic lighting, and fireplace, its welcoming and cozy space are ideal for sharing laughs, snacks, and drinks with friends.

The patio offers stunning views of the Olympic Mountains and the Puget Sound, and we may sit outside to enjoy a sunny day in the city if the weather is nice. Cheers and see you all there,

James biggrin

HH: 3-7 PM

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