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What we’re about

Our world is full of solutions. Today, we have the means to provide every human being with clean water, healthy food, affordable medicine, proper education, and housing. We are capable of growing replaceable organs or turning landfills and deserts into fertile lands. We have the ability to turn work into productive play and we can use gamification to crowdsource political solutions to worldwide problems. We do not lack the means to change ourselves or our world.

The activation of human willpower is the only prerequisite to change. By giving more of our attention to great ideas, by contributing our time and energy to empowering solutions, by taking an active role in the evolution of humankind, we can change anything.

Happy For A Change wants to encourage the average person to get involved. There are so many people working tirelessly to make the world a better place. By joining this movement, and adding to our numbers, you become a part of an influential audience that can help apply those ideas and solution to the challenges we face.

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Peter Hartman | Speaker, Motivational Consultant, Comedian & Entrepreneur

<br> Peter Hartman is a speaker, consultant, comedian and entrepreneur who enjoys a life teaching personal empowerment development. Using positive-thinking principles he shares common-sense approaches for empowering individuals, groups, and organizations. For more than 9 years, he has encouraged audiences to redefine their assumptions about how life should be.

<br> Peter is an insightful, knowledgable and humorous speaker; passionate about using the power of attention to improve the world. Drawing from science, philosophy, and spirituality he aims to be a catalyst for positive change.

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