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What we’re about

Hi everyone! 

This meetup group will be an effort to bring together a diverse set of minds to exchange skills and knowledge to tackle some of the pressing problems in biological computation and analysis of bio-medical datasets.

We are still in the early stages of setting this up, but in the end we hope this to be a mixture of seminars, networking events, and practical coding projects on real-life data. So stay tuned!

If you are interested in any of the following topics, this meetup is likely for you:

• data science

• machine learning / deep learning / artificial intelligence

• bioinformatics / computational biology

• systems biology / cellular modelling / network modelling

• high-performance computing (CPU/GPU)

• molecular modelling, simulations

• coding in general (Python, C++, Matlab, R, ...)

Feel free to contact me with ideas and questions any time!

See you soon,
