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What we’re about

It's about sharing the experience!
It's about spending time outside to achieve higher goals, restore energies, nourish imagination and new inspirations. It is about to renew an allegiance with nature and learn about environment. Every time is a new adventure! Every time is a new challenge!!

It is also about spending time with positive people and together experience the wonders of ancient mountains, of primitive rainforests, the wilderness of the bush and the immensity of seas.

This Group Hiking South East Qld and More is home for hikes, bushwalks, beach walks, bike rides, experience in hot air balloons, camping, kayaking,  festivals and any other types of events that are suggested by members. This Group has to do with what the great outdoor has to offer, with the lovely coffee shops with good service, music and theatre and all the social aspects.

Hiking South East Qld and More has hikes and activities about discover more of Brisbane, Lamington National Park, Mount Barney National Park, Main Range National Park, Teviot Range, Glasshouse Mountains, Moogerah Peaks National Park and everywhere there is a trail. Take your camera with you and your big smile.
Lose yourself and find yourself again in a new adventure. Find enjoyment and friends to share the experience of the events you attend!

Please load a clear picture of yourself in your profile to maximise the benefits of being in a group and have your setting to receive notifications so you don't miss out the beautiful events. When you RSVP yes to an activity it means you are nominated to go. If no longer can attend please make sure to adjust your RSVP two days prior the event. If you wold like to invite your friends, the best is to ask them to join the Group so they can read the description and be well prepared.

This Group love Contributors so if you would like to suggest an event or become an Event Host please go ahead anytime. Talk to Terry and Cris about becoming an Organiser.  Organisers spark community connections, inspire ideas and create inclusive events for the members.

All the events of Hiking South East Qld and More are organised by  Event Hosts to deliver the best of the adventures. This Group is run solely by Volunteers who donate their time and their skill to share the experience.

Some of the events in the Group Hiking South East Qld and More could be supplied by commercial companies after a careful research by the Organisers of the Group. The Organisers  will always try to look for the best deal with no hidden charges or commissions.

The Group would like to ask two dollars donation to help cover the meetup fee, thank you for the support.

I write article for Weekend Notes and I am using photos that I take during the activities with the group. Please if you don't want your photo taken advise all the group on the day of the activity, it helps to avoid misunderstandings. I also post the photos taken during the activities on Meetup, on Facebook and probably other social platforms.

The amasing photo of the osprey was taken by photographer Sean Nolan during his Birding Adventure.
Looking forward to meeting you,

Terry and Cris