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Book for January meeting

From: Scott
Sent on: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 1:05 PM
If you want to get a head start on buying the book for our January 15 meeting (11:00 AM-12:30 PM, Cleveland Park Library), that book will be Aquinas' Selected Philosophical Writings. It is an Oxford World Classics edition, translated by Timothy McDermott, and available from for $10.17. Although the book is about 500 pages, our meeting will focus on the first 200.

I hope those planning to attend our upcoming December 18 meeting are enjoying the Nicomachean Ethics. I find Aristotle's writing less engaging than Plato's (which embedded rigorous logical analysis in a literary format, that of the Dialogue), but Aristotle's emphasis on The Golden Mean as the pathway to happiness is historically important, perhaps if for no other reason than it exemplified the Greek mindset. If you are pressed for time and can't read the entire book, I hope you will at least read Book V, which examines Justice and Injustice. His economic analogy of debtor to debtee prefigures Nietzsche's.

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