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On International Women's Day - Celebrating Your Inner Goddess!

Photo of Angela
Hosted By


I am offering this workshop to connect us, women, to our inner Goddesses and celebrate their unique gifts to the world!

Getting to Know My Goddess Within:

There are times when you feel you are driven by a force you can’t resist: suddenly you can’t be a good daughter, an understanding wife, caring mother or reliable co-worker.

There are times when you ask yourself why you can’t be like your sister, or your best girl-friend, or your mother, and times when you can’t stand them at all and are glad for who you are.

We can fall in-love, get into fights or become withdrawn and distant with the same people we’ve known for years. Who is standing behind the scenes and making us change our attitude toward seemingly the same situations?

Men always find women impossible to understand. Scientists blame hormones for our inner conflicts and ups and downs, and prescribe medicine to get us back in control of our moods and our lives.

Why are we, women, so complicated? Can we explain things to ourselves at least?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have some clarity on why we can get along easily with some other women and openly hate some other “types” of them.

In this workshop we will discuss “archetypes” of women’s personalities. In the ancient world, main archetypes of women’s behavior were described through stories and myths of Gods and Goddesses. Some of the Goddesses support Fatherhood, and some Motherhood. Some of them protect you from harm, some drives you into chaos.

These Goddesses all live in us. In order to understand yourself, you should meet them, get to know them better and learn how to handle their power within yourself to use it for your own growth instead of destruction.

In this workshop you will

explore your artistic side through drawing an IMAGE of Your Beautiful Goddess and to awaken and embrace your feminine spirit

learn about the MAJOR SEVEN GODDESSES and their positive and negative traits

go through a simple test to find out WHICH Goddess TAKES RULE OVER YOU NOW and how to create inner peace with her

find out the CONNECTION between 7 chakras and 7 Goddesses and see how it affects your body

nourish & celebrate your beautiful feminine spirit through movement that awakens the Goddess within and claims her power back

Workshop details:

When: Sunday, March 8th

Time: 5pm-8:00pm

What to bring: any snack to share with other during a tea break

Place: TBA (Reading home or studio in Woburn, MA)

Price: $30



It was absolutely delightful!

It was very well planned, and what we learned about was very intriguing.

I loved everything that we did : the yoga dance, listening to the stories of the greek gods, drawing, and taking the goddess assessment test. :)

Awesome job! I would definitely attend another goddess workshop!

Photo of Holistic Living North of Boston group
Holistic Living North of Boston
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63 Washington St
63 Washington St · Reading, Ma