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Unsolicited Meetup Emails

From: Sieg D.
Sent on: Saturday, December 13, 2014, 11:01 AM
Hello fellow meetup members,

Several members of our Hornets Nest Park Tennis Meetup (HNPTM) have notified me that they've received emails after RSVPing to an event and were asked to click on a link to update their Tennis Player Skill Rating. We believe these are "spoofing" attempts, which look legitimate in appearance but are intended to make you click on a link and go to a site that you normally wouldn't want to.

Please be very careful with any emails that you receive unless you know the sender. Please notify your HNPTM leadership of any unsolicited emails that you receive from individuals who appear to be meetup members but are not members of HNPTM. It should go without saying that even among HNPTM members, Innapropriate emails are never welcome and should also be reported.

As much as possible and is convenient, try to make use of the site's messaging service. This will assure you that the person you're communicating with is a member of HNPTM.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have.

Sieg Dugas

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