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Big Android BBQ

From: Lester B.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 12:19 AM
From Akil Head:

My GDG colleague in Dallas, Don Archer, asked to share the upcoming
Big Android BBQ event with others in Houston.
As you may be aware, Andy Dyer is presenting and so lets try to get
Houston to represent.

There will also be a Code Kitchen for live development.
Per Don: "We've decided on a GDG Dallas "Code Kitchen" where attendees
can grab 'recipes' from a menu of 30. Each recipe will guide them
through building an android prototype app. The recipes will be at all
levels Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced and will include cross
platform Google tech such as Angular, Go, GCM, Maps, AppEngine and
more.  I'm offering recipe sponsorship. For a negotiable amount, a
company can sponsor a recipe. Since we are expecting[masked]
attendees, this could be a pretty sweet deal for sponsors. "

So if you know any companies that might be interested in sponsorship
of recipes, feel free to contact him by email - [address removed]

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