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What we’re about

If you're agnostic, atheist, or questioning, chances are that you don't know of enough communities who accept all the important things about who you are. Houston Atheists is one of the world's largest atheist communities!

We're retail workers, doctors, teachers, parents, childless, and every other description you can think of. Many of us are LGBTQIA. We come from all walks of life. Some left religion recently, some long ago, and some were never religious at all. We don't judge where you come from or if you're questioning. We want the same things in life theists want: acceptance, community, laughter, peace, and love.

In our group, you'll be invited to countless events where you can just be you. From hole-in-the-wall coffee shops and famous bars to quirky art museums and beautiful parks, we meet all the time. We attend educational seminars, inspirational speeches, coffee socials, dinners, movies, sports games, hiking, camping, board games, and countless other social activities.

When we go for park walks, bring your dog! We'd love to meet them. Many of our meetups are pet-friendly and family-friendly.

If all of the above sounds good to you, join us, meet lots of people, and find events that interest you.