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The most wonderful time of the year

From: Mark W.
Sent on: Thursday, November 15, 2012, 4:52 PM

Hi Everyone,


Thanks to those who made it out to the DotNetRocks meetup last night, I thoroughly enjoyed it especially Venkat's talk on the rise and fall of languages.


They did a live podcast last night after Venkat's talk with him on everything Agile and Soft Dev.  You  should be able to get it on their site some time soon (


As I stated in the title, this for me is the best time of the year because of the holidays, time off from work, etc. but especially no user group meetings for a good month or more.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy hosting the CSUG and attending the number of other dev user groups in the city, but everyone needs a break including myself from the constant onslaught of tech knowledge that we as developers are constantly bombarded with.


So enjoy your time off.  By my estimation of the Sun and the Mayan calendar, we'll meet again on the 16th of January at the same place, with full sponsorship and plenty of food at every meetup thanks to John Z from Whitaker IT.  Hopefully by then I'll have another calendar to follow as theirs ends in a few weeks time.


I also plan on doing beginner sessions starting at 6 to 6:30-45ish for core C# principles, tips, tricks etc.  I may take a few topics out of Bill Wagner's "Effective C#" and Jon Skeet's "C# in Depth", or take any requests on something C# that you want to see done or that I can learn by that time and demonstrate.  We will of course have the primary talk after that until 8:30, and I'm currently taking requests for topics you want or if you're willing to give a beginner or primary talk.  Let me know ahead of time and what month you'd want.


So have a great holiday season, enjoy time with your families and a break from the compiler(s) in your life.


See you in January


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