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Calling All Yoga Teachers!

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 8:25 AM
If you are a Yoga teacher - currently teaching or not, or if you own or direct a yoga studio, the Texas Yoga Association (TYA) needs your help. TYA was formed recently to help grow yoga in Texas and to represent yoga to the public and when necessary to the government. There are some critical issues facing us now that need your input. The most pressing one has to do with new attempts to regulate yoga teacher training by the state. So, the Texas Yoga Survey was created to help us gather information we need to press our case for equitable treatment of Yoga by the State of Texas. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey yourself and if you can pass along the link to the survey to other yoga teachers and studios in Texas, please do.


Texas Yoga Survey

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