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From: Bill Van F.
Sent on: Monday, July 28, 2014, 12:41 AM

I just wish to thank those of you who came to the meeting, contributed your ideas, and said that you were going to explore the website more thoroughly.

In our next meeting, we may decide to endorse some of the beliefs in the outline.  Remember, you may contribute suggested beliefs to the Belief Manual, or edit any of those there (as long as they have not been endorsed by a Humanian organization).

If, when we meet, at least 90% of us agree with a belief as stated (or as edited, perhaps even during our meeting), our group will be able to endorse the belief, and it will be part of the Belief Manual of our group, viewable by anyone in the world.  I believe the first time we do that will be an historic event.  But we will need to make sure that we do agree, or revise the belief until we do.  Also, if we ever change our minds, we can unendorsed the belief.

Please let me know if there are any questions at all about the Belief Manual or about any aspect of our organization, or any recommendations.

I'll be glad to see you in a couple of weeks at our next meeting.


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