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Our next meeting (5/15/2016) - The project

From: Bill Van F.
Sent on: Thursday, May 12, 2016, 9:20 PM

Our project, from two meetings ago, remains the same, namely,

(1) What is Humanianity, and how can it help us?

(2) How can human behavior be improved, to do the best thing?

We are studying the answers to these two questions.  The Home page has been improved even more, and should be even clearer about the general, Humanian answer to these questions, but we need more specific ideas from everyone.  Please try to get a chance to read the Home page again, and note any improvements that you think could be made.

Another question to contemplate is how to advocate more broadly.  We are at the very beginning of this effort, and it is ahead of its time, so we need all the ideas we can get.

It is helpful for you to RSVP, but if you do and then can't come, that's okay.

So I hope to see you this Sunday (5/15/20160), at 6:30PM (at Southminster on Park Rd) as usual.
