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Poverty at 51-Year High in U.S.

From: Travis P.
Sent on: Friday, September 17, 2010, 9:30 AM

An article posted on the Houston Chronicle?s front page today shows just how bad things are getting for 43 million Americans, 10% of which are living here in our state.
?In Texas, there we about 4.3 million people living in poverty in 2009, increasing the state?s poverty rate to 17.3 percent, up from 15.9 percent the prior year.?
?The poverty numbers are striking? said Anna Babin, president of United Way of Greater Houston. ?We?re really seeing it on the ground in many ways.?
?The recession and unemployment has many families struggling to pay rent and put food on the table, and they?re flocking to local agencies for help,? Babin said. ?The agency?s 211 Call Center, for example, received more than 700,000 calls last year from people seeking information about how to get assistance. The numbers of calls from January to date have increased 10 percent over the same time last year, she said.?
You can read the rest of the article here:

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