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Free bootcamp from Facebook and Codepath

From: gd
Sent on: Tuesday, September 20, 2016, 11:40 PM

Hi all,

Facebook is offering a free iOS bootcamp starting Oct 10. Sign up by Sept 26 at
About the Bootcamps. We are partnering with Facebook to provide accelerated 8-week iOS and Android evening bootcamps starting October 11th. The courses are designed ...

It is also available remotely to people who don't live near Menlo Park. All the info is below.

Good luck,

Georgi Dagnall

Organizer, Informal iPhone Developer Meetup

Hello there,


I'm pleased to announce that Facebook is partnering with CodePath to offer free iOS development courses in October and we invite you to sign up. Facebook engineers will act as mentors and provide an inside look at how we approach mobile development at scale during the course.


The course is designed for experienced engineers interested in learning iOS development in a strict, fast paced environment. The 8-week course will be in hosted at our Menlo Park HQ and run during evenings to accommodate the schedule of full-time engineers. 


Learn more at 


We're excited to share our development practices with developer community and hope you'll also share this opportunity with friends who may be interested. For further information on engineering at Facebook please feel free to check out our



Jenny Yuen

Android Engineering Manager, Facebook.

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