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Theatre Event: Tuesday 16 June

From: Instagramers L.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 8:03 AM
We have been offered FOUR tickets to a pop up theatre called Roundabout at the Southbank Centre next Tuesday (16th June, 7.30pm). It is a performance of a play called The Initiate performed by theatre company Paines Plough.

It’s a piece of challenging new writing which is one of four plays that they will be touring around the country with in this unique pop up theatre, which is being hailed as the world’s first ‘plug in and play’ theatre (it flat packs into a truck to be transported between venues!).

See the links below for more information about the venue and the play:

If you'd like to be in with a chance of going to see this performance, email us at [address removed] with INITIATE ME! as the title of your email.

In the email give your name, Instagram user name and say that you agree to post pictures from the event.

You must have attended at least five of our meetups to be in with a chance of winning.

Closing time: this Thursday 11 June at 5pm. Late entries will not be considered!

Good luck!!

The @igerslondon team

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