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New Meetup: Neighborhood Walk - La Mesa

From: Cham and P.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 2:41 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Diego International/ English as a Second Language Meetup!

What: Neighborhood Walk - La Mesa

When: Tuesday, April 13,[masked]:00 PM

Cosmos Coffee Cafe
8278 La Mesa Blvd
La Mesa, CA 91941

Now that the days are a bit longer and we can enjoy the sunshine for a few more hours let's begin our Neighborhood Walks.

This time we will meet at Cosmos Cafe in La Mesa. It is right by the trolley stop if anyone would like to take it there.

Please meet a few minutes early so we can hopefully start by 6 pm. We will head off in some direction, walk for about an hour and then come back to our meeting spot.

The purpose of these events are to become familiar with our local neighborhoods, branch out, and to meet fellow members and socialize while getting light exercise and fresh air.

If you know this area and would like to help us out, please let us know where to go and which streets are best to check out.

Hope to see you then.

City of La Mesa site

Cosmos Cafe

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