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New Meetup: ISTA Community Outreach Program - Healing Sound Event

From: Kathy L.
Sent on: Saturday, October 9, 2010, 12:49 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for International Sound Therapy Connection!

What: ISTA Community Outreach Program - Healing Sound Event

When: Sunday, October 10,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Atlanta Unity Church
3597 Parkway Ln
Norcross, GA 30092

Bringing an awareness of what Sound is and its Healing effects on the body and soul, Don Simmons, an International Sound Therapy Association (ISTA) Healing Sound Practitioner, adds humor and liveliness to the modality of Sound Healing. This presentation gives a blend of factual and researched information about sound, its therapeutic uses; properties of Sound Wave Frequency and how it affects us; and a demonstration using pure Quartz Crystal Bowls for the audience to experience for themselves the Healing effects of Sound!

Simmons will be available after the service to answer questions and to give further demonstrations as requested. Informative, educational and just plain fun, this presentation is something that will uplift your congregation and perhaps even help them discover for themselves a life changing awareness to help heal themselves and others through the power of Sound.

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