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What we’re about

This meet up group is all about like-minded people coming together to deepen our understanding of who we really are at the deepest core of our nature.  As highly creative, multi-dimemsional beings, realizing the functionality of our intuition enables us to enrich our life experience and allows us to better co-create the kind of experiences we would like to have.

Topics that we will explore include: living up to our life’s purpose, joyful living, developing our intuitive gifts, expanding our consciousness, as well as assisting in expanding light, love & consciousness on the planet.

Our meet-ups are designed to be very healing on so many levels. We will be engaging in guided healing meditations, guided hypnosis, exercises to connect with our Angels, Master Teachers and Guides. Other activities may also include journaling, and having discussions related to topics of health and well being, consciousness based energy healings, expanding our consciousness, as well as actively creating the lives we wish to live.

There will always be a central focus on enhancing our intuitive abilities and bring greater awareness to what it means to be a positive influence of Light and Love on the planet. The goal will always be healing some aspect of ourselves, and therefore the world around us.

As a Holistic Health Practitioner, I specialize in clinical hypnosis and the energetics of consciousness. I offer "Between Lives" hypnotic regression in my private practice where many clients report connecting with and communicating directly with their Guides.

With Light, Love & Blessings,