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New Meetup: Sunday Sailing

From: Neil R.
Sent on: Monday, March 1, 2010, 9:42 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The JIB SET Sailing Club Meetup Group!

What: Sunday Sailing

When: Sunday, March 7,[masked]:00 AM

JIB SET Sailing Club
1815 Mast Tower Road Granville Island
Vancouver, BC V6H 3X7

Our regular bi-weekly Sunday Sailing event. This week if we have enough crew for two boats we plan to have some casual races. As always, this event is open to both regular JIBSET members and drop-in sailors. Recreational membership is required (Only $15.00 for 3 years) and the drop-in fee for non-JIBSET members is $50. Membership and drop-in fees are 100% refundable within a year toward full JIB SET membership.

And remember to dress for the weather and bring appropriate non-marking footwear. See you then!

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