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Semiannual gentle request

From: Jason T.
Sent on: Monday, January 12, 2015, 3:08 PM

Most of you don't know that charges us fees for the continued benefit of using their site to organize Meetups. This fee was increased about 30% this year. Additionally, your organizers spend up to several thousands of dollars a year toward hosting events.

We do this because we find value in the community. We do this voluntarily and we don't demand that people make contributions. However, if it's within your means to help contribute to the success of the group, we'd like to ask for you to make a one-time or annual contribution to make it easier to keep things going.

Please consider making a contribution of whatever you can afford here:

We suggest $15/year, but you are free to contribute more or less.

I used to send this gentle request once or twice a year, but a couple years ago we had a couple of sponsorships from 3rd parties that made it less critical. Since those haven't been happening I should continue that tradition.

If you're a student or on a constrained income, please don't feel obligated to make a contribution, but if you're able to afford it, please help out.

We do get assessed a fee of about 8.9% for using the WePay service that Meetup prefers us to use for online contributions, so you're equally welcome to make an in-person contribution with cash or a check when you next attend an event.

Additionally, if you offer services or goods that may be of value to our community, I'm able to display a prominent sponsorship notice on the left hand of the web site, so if you want to discuss options for that, let me know. Previous sponsors have offered $75-150 for varying durations (usually 3-6 months, but for active members of the community I'd be happy to display them for up to a year).

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