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SKEPTICS: Dr. Hiten Soni: Psychiatry. All you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask. Tonight, Sat, Oct 15, 7pm at Perkins

From: cole m.
Sent on: Saturday, October 15, 2011, 4:37 PM


Dr. Hiten Soni: PSYCHIATRY.  All you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask. Tonight, Sat, Oct 15, 7pm at Perkins.  

We always have lots of questions for Hiten because he always gives a provocative & informative presentation.  Don't miss it! Plus he throws in so much humor we leave smiling.  Join us for a FUN night.  

We always go out afterwards for more fun.


What are the roots of psychiatry? If you want to know why mental illness is at the root of all religion then you should not miss this lecture.
We will discuss when behavior becomes pathological. We will look at what was done in the past, what is being done today and what the future holds. We will see the major contributors to the field and their contributions. We will look at claims behind “Prozac made me do it”, etc.  
If you have any questions, please submit them in advance so I can bring slides, pictures, statistics, etc. You can also ask why your brother-in-law is paranoid or why does your ex-spouse hate you so much? We will take a brief look at shock therapy and controversy behind it. How “mentally ills” have contributed to the field of science and arts.
Hiten Soni, MD All things are possible.
Cole Morgan [address removed]  [masked]