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"Atheist Veteran Dying on his own Terms via skype from KC, Mo." this Friday night, March 29, 7pm at Price Chopper.

From: cole m.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 4:24 PM

Midwest Skeptics Society & KC Midtown FreeThinkers:

"Atheist Veteran Dying on his own Terms via skype from KC, Mo." this Friday night, March 29, 7pm at Price Chopper.  Please join us to support Tomas and Claudia during this difficult time. This is very important to Tomas to say farewell to his atheist community. JOIN US!


This is extremely important to Tomas Young and Claudia, so please join us for his farewell to the atheist community.
Claudia Cuellar, Tomas's wife, told us his medication has been upped so it may be difficult for him at times during our evening with him.
Tomas Young, Dying Iraq War Veteran, Pens 'Last Letter' To Bush, Cheney On War's 10th Anniversary Wounded Iraq Vet Prepares to Die, Saying He's 'Ready to Go'
Cole Morgan[masked]