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Re: [Provocateurs] Re: Working with a Kansas City Church on community projects

From: Kevin D.
Sent on: Friday, December 20, 2013, 2:53 PM

Today I stopped by a church and talked to the minister about working with their church members on community projects with atheists - blood drive, food collection, adopting a family for holidays, cleaning up a park, stream, helping out with fall leaf cleanup, etc. 

The pastor will allow me or anyone else from our groups to come any time at sermons and distribute literature on any community projects to see if Christians from his church be willing to hang out with atheists for the Glory of God an betterment of humanity.

I'll be working on the flier outlining generic purposes of these activities - if any of you have any suggestions, upcoming projects you are involved in, please, let me know. I told him I'll e-mail it to him so he can review it and give me additional feedback if needed.

I don't know if I'll have this ready by Xmas, maybe I'll pop by their Christmas sermon this weekend or on Xmas day and pass fliers around before the sermon or after the sermon.

If anyone would like to volunteer for any projects, has some ideas, or would like help me out with passing fliers before the sermon or after, please, let me know. I may do it a couple of times a year at that church.


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